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How to Use Pinterest for Business

Drive Traffic and Leads to Your Website with Pinterest

How to Use Pinterest for Business
Pinterest isn’t just another social media network.

What appears to be the fastest-growing social media site ever has become a huge traffic referral (arguably, more powerful than Google+) for all businesses. An increasing number of companies are leveraging the platform to reach a new audience, increase visits to their websites, and generate leads or retail sales. And guess what? It’s working.

Learn how to get more engagement your traffic with this free guide, which will walk you through the basics of effective A/B testing and help you get started.

Download this free, 43-page ebook and learn:

  • How Pinterest works and top reasons to use it
  • How to create a Pinterest account and grow followers
  • How B2B companies use Pinterest for lead generation
  • How eCommerce companies use Pinterest to increase retail sales
  • Examples of how real-life businesses leverage Pinterest for growth

Download the free ebook and get started today!