How can you improve your blog post titles to drive more traffic?
Creating content through blogging is a great way to get new and existing customers to flock to your website. There are many ways to promote your blog, but if you don’t have a good title, it’s probably not going to go anywhere. To help take your content to the next level, we’ve compiled some tips on how to improve your blog titles to gain more website traffic.
Incorporate Specific Numbers
As you’ve probably noticed, blog titles that incorporate a number are very common. This is because it works! It helps people understand what they can expect to get out of the article by setting a specific expectation. This is typically used with words like tips, tricks, ways, strategies, techniques, etc. You probably don’t want to do it with every single post, but if this is your go-to method for creating a headline, there’s nothing wrong with that.
Use Search Engine Optimization
Many people are well aware that great content that increases traffic to your blog will include a focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The same is true with your blog titles. Although it’s not absolutely necessary since the article itself will give you plenty of opportunities to incorporate SEO, it certainly doesn’t hurt. Just make sure the keywords you choose are properly represented within the blog itself.
Search for Competing Headlines
The internet is filled with billions, perhaps trillions, of article titles. This means any blog title you come up with will probably be at least somewhat similar to one that already exists. What you want to avoid is creating a title that looks like you stole the words verbatim. Therefore, you should do a quick Google search for any competing headlines and tweak the title a bit if you feel yours is too close.
Tweak the Headline Afterwards
Writing is an interesting task. You start with a headline you think is the perfect title for what you’re trying to convey. But then, as words are pouring out of your head and onto the screen, your creative juices start flowing and what did you end up with is much better than you anticipated, but it may also be slightly off from the topic. If this happens, you can simply use the content you’ve written to create a more accurate and effective title.
Create Multi-Part Headlines
There are some subjects that you want to write about that can’t be contained in a single blog post. A good strategy when this happens is to create a series of blogs where each one is an offshoot of the main subject.
For example, if you’re a travel agency writing about travel tips, you may want to create a main title such as “How to Get the Most out of Your Trip” and then include one blog each for road trip tips, flying tips, and hotel tips.
Track Each Blog’s Performance
Whenever you post a blog, you’re obviously trying to entice traffic to your website. Tracking each blog’s performance will tell you a whole slew of information, including whether the content itself or perhaps the headline isn’t attracting people. Google Analytics will give you a lot of information that will indicate where you need improvement.
Enlist a Professional Marketer
Most businesses don’t have time to write their own blog titles, let alone the entire blog itself. The best strategy is to hire a professional marketing agency who knows what type of blog titles will work best for increased traffic and will be able to track the performance in the best way possible. You can also give them suggestions as to what types of subjects you’d like to see.
Contact P3 Agency for Help Developing Awesome Blog Titles
P3 Agency specializes in marketing, social media, graphic design, and web design in Clearwater and the surrounding areas. If you have any questions about our services or need help developing effective blog titles, give us a call at 727 474-9064 today to schedule a free marketing assessment.